Monday, October 8, 2012


This week I have been at my parents.  It was a great week.  My phone was off so I didn't worry about calling David.  I got my hair cut, and to be honest doing something for myself since my sons birth was fantastic.  I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  I feel more beautiful than I have in a long time.  The funny thing is I deleted David's girlfriend from my facebook and ironically the stupid cow stops posting about David every five seconds, and surprisingly she changed her picture from them making out to just her and her daughter.  Ha hahahahahaha David thought the stupid cow just wanted to be friends-no she was just rubbing it in my face.  The funny part is if you have to shove your relationship in my face, then obviously it doesn't mean anything to you. David and I had a good conversation the other night.  I am actually finally starting to get over things, and this and my other blog are great helps.  Thank you guys for reading, sorry if I seem like a big cry baby.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Alright Day

Today has been an alright day.  Its not officially over or anything, but I mean its been ok.  I spent the day with my son which is always nice, haven't heard from his piece dad.  I talked to the troll-aka girlfriend-sorry to say this she isn't a troll because she is ugly but because she is an evil vendictful BITCH!
I am not one to judge people, as I said before this was not your typical blog its just more of a release.  Kara, oh how i hate her name, was all nice and pleasantries.  The first time I knew, but the second time she left David, she messaged me on Facebook trying to tell me that my husband had sexually abused her 7 months old daughter-BULLSHIT.  I know David is not a pedofile and she was just trying to start stuff.  She furthered our conversation by calling David all sorts of names and calling him a bad father.
Never once in our lives have I ever put David down, I tell people the truth about him but I never put him, least of all in front of his son.  Not even a month later the two are back together and living up the good life while his wife-aka me-gets to see it all.  
As I was saying, she played nice, as she always does and then boom out comes her rude nasty attitude.  Yes I am being mean to her on here because that is my right, but when it comes to their relationship I don't care.  Yes I love my husband but after everything we have been through he leaves me and chooses THAT over his son every chance he gets,  My son deserves better and so do I.
As I said today was alright compared to others.  I didn't get into a screaming match with David, I didn't yell at Kara.  I played with my son, we laughed and smiles, right now as I write this he is sleeping which is alright with me.  Gives me a chance to jot down a few things for this blog and my other one.
Thanks for reading, if you are I mean.

Monday, September 24, 2012


This blog sorta ties in with my other blog however my other blog is me actually going through my past step by step because it helps me remember both the good and the bad times.  This blog is rather just a chache to help me get by with everyday life.  This blog may not be updated regularly or it may be updated daily.  It just depends on my emotions and how I am feeling from day to day.  David Ray Krantz has been the biggest part of my life for the last 5 years, and it is hard as hell to let go.  I am trying very hard, but I just can't seem to get over the hurt, the pain, the anger, the love.  David started out as my arch rival, then became my best friend, then my love, then my husband, and now the father of my son.  Things have not been good, I don't have my husband, or my friend anymore.  It hurts so much, that each day if it were not for my son I don't know how I would get on.  Some days I honestly just want to lay in my despair and pity myself to no end.  But alas I must get on, and pick myself up.  I know that I am a better person, I am a bigger person.  I love myself, my son, and those around me who have supported me since the beginning which was also the end.